måndag 9 februari 2015

The Monster chapter 4

Chapter 4: The Discovery
We are going to practice describing things with adjectives and adverbs in this chapter.

● The main character is going to discover the monster in the basement.

● Describe in all possible ways what the monster looks like, how it moves, how it sounds and how the main character is feeling. Use as many adjectives and adverbs as possible.

● When you have described it thouroghly reveal that the monster is an animal that has been a little bit transformed.

Questions to help you: How and why does the main character go down to the basement? Does he/she meet anyone on the way down?
How does the monster differ from how the real animal usually is?  How does the main character leave the basement? Is someone coming to help the main character? Will the main character try to tell someone about what he/she has seen?

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